American intelligence has been fully aware the Russians (first as Soviets and now under Putin) have been trying to erode American democracy from the inside. Social media accelerated this strategy and Trump has now almost guaranteed their success.
The American People MUST rise up and stop Trump and the Russians before it is too late and we can do nothing about it.
Americans MUST rise up and impeach Trump.
Why Compromise Trump?
Putin has ambitions to rebuild the Soviet Republic, but much of the world, and especially, the United States have worked against this ambition because many of those countries want democracy and want it to be self determined. America, in opposition to Putin and Russia are championing democracy, self determination, and democratic ideals that are the same ideals America fought for in the birth of our Great Country. The "American Experiment" has consistently proven that the democratic ideals of Human Rights, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, and Freedom of Religion create a country with a thriving economy and ability to support a strong military. Russia and Putin have consistently shown they are in opposition to these ideals which are basic to the United Sates. Any American who supports Russia must also be in opposition to these ideals. Putin and Russia chose and groomed Trump to help carry out their agenda of weakening U.S. world influence. Social media has made that goal easy.
Russia and Putin are very rightly suspected of meddling in and against democratic movements in countries such as Chechnya, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Montenegro, and Romania, to name a few. There is no reason to believe that Putin is not trying to do the same to America. Putin would be insane to invade America with military force and he doesn't need to if he can erode our democracy from within. We have every reason to believe this has been a part of his strategy since his days as a KGB agent in the former Soviet Union, providing him plenty of time to identify a useful subject to carry out his plans.
Putin is a former KGB agent who resigned in 1991 to pursue a political career and worked his way into the presidency in Boris Yeltsin's administration and was appointed Prime Minister in 1999. Following Yeltsin's resignation, Putin became acting president and, less than four months later, was elected to his first term as president. He was reelected in 2004. Due to constitutional limitations of two consecutive presidential terms, Putin served as prime minister again from 2008 to 2012 under Dmitry Medvedev. He returned to the presidency in 2012, following an election marked by allegations of fraud and protests, and was reelected in 2018. Understanding how Putin came to power and, more importantly, how he was able to architect a takeover of the Russian Government to remain in power indefinitely is important in recognizing what Trump is currently doing to the U.S. government, as you read this.
It is well known that Putin laments the fall of the Soviet Union and has publicly called it a "Genuine Tragedy." He has never kept secret his intention to restore Russian power.
Russia invaded Chechnya in 1994 and again in 1999 to stop an independance movment. Russia annexed Crimea in 2014 when Russian soldiers in unmarked uniforms seized control of government buildings in the Crimean Peninsula. Russian meddling has also been attributed to political events in Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romainia, and Ukraine. They are suspected of using social media to influence the British vote to exit the European Union. A weakned EU is beneficial to Putin's desire to rebuild the Soviet Empire. America has also been a target. In July 2016, the FBI announced an investigation into possible Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s computer system. Investigations and reports are also released concerning Russian meddling in the U.S. 2016 presidential election to help Donald Trump.
The recent events in the oval office with Zelensky are shocking, to say the least. The whole affair was designed to provide Putin propaganda for the Russian people. It's important to note, here, that as recently as 2018, 75% of the Russian people lament the collapse of the Soviet Union. Several things, with respect to Putin's agenda, came out of the Oval Office event with Zelensky:
Russia could have easily taken Ukraine with Military force
Europe and, most especially, the United States thwarted that effort
America spent $182 Billion Dollars for that effort (not the $350B claimed by Trump - even Fox knows this)
Russia is militarily strong and a coalition of many countries was needed to slow its ambitions
Proof that external forces are to blame
The entire event was planned and stagesd to ambush Zelensky and provide those points to the Russian people to help Putin.
Trump is compromised and must be removed from office before it's too late. Russia is succedding in it's goals to weaken America from within and anyone and everyone who supports Trump is complicit.
Impeach Trump, Now.