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Help Fund Digital Billboards to Support the National Day of Action - April 5th 2025


Updated: 28 minutes ago

I'm a concerned citizen and will be present on the National Day of Action, April 5th 2025. The National Day of Action is a grassroots movement and supported by groups such as Hands Off, Women's March, Indivisible, and 50501 to name a few. You can see all the partners here. I am not affiliated with any of the organizations, but I support their cause. My plan is to crowd fund a campaign targeting as many digital billboards in key states near Washington D.C. to mobilize as many people as possible from now until April 5th.

I am requesting your support to purchase digital billboards in key states that are close to Washington D.C. I feel the best use of the funds will be to inform and mobilize people who are close to our nation's capital. I think it is also important to inform and mobilize people who are now discovering they are being adversely affected by the current administration's policies such as cuts to Medicaid, SNAP, Social Security, and Veteran's Programs.

I've chosen a digital billboard in Steelton, PA on Westbound I-76 to kick off the campaign.

Donations will allow the ad to show for longer time frames. For the first digital billboard in Steelton, PA, I am personally funding $142 per day of billboard time. As donations arrive, I will be able to increase the daily spend and the digital ad will show for longer time frames. Than you for your support.

If donations exceed the funding necessary to keep this billboard running, I will expand to a second billboard, a third, a fourth... How many billboards we fund is up to you.

I had a difficult time getting artwork and language approved. There are many rules for what can be shown. A paid for by statement and logo is required. Since I have an LLC named DANU, I've chosen to use that as the sponsor. DANU is a green energy startup. I could only get the ad approved by using my name or the LLC and I'm not comfortable using my name.

If you'd like to support a billboard in your town, please leave a message and I will concentrate efforts in those areas where I receive the most requests.

Thank you for your help, if you choose to donate. I hope we can fund several billboards and drive attendance for the National Day of Action on April 5th 2025.

Thank you.


Four of the billboards have now been approved. I capped the daily spend to $142 which has already been reached for today (Monday March 24th). Your donation will allow these four billboards to run longer. I can also increase the number of billboards.

From today
From today

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